It’s time for another contest y’all!
Join us in the EquiFUSE Equine Make-Over Challenge. First, tell us why YOU deserve an EquiFUSE Make-Over for your horse or pony. A total of 20 participants will be selected. Participants will receive an Equifuse Body Pack for the make over and will be given 1 week to participate in the challenge.
All Before and After pictures must be submitted to:
One Grand Prize Winner will be selected. They will receive one bottle of each from the EquiFUSE line:
CFS™, Rehydrinse™, & Gleam™
We love the EquiFUSE product line, to see more about our review.. go here!
Looking forward to seeing the beloved equines that will be getting beautified! If you have any questions regarding the contest , please feel free to contact us.
I think my old school pony deserves to get a make over because I remember the first time I rode her three years ago and she was a mess! She was green and she could barley keep up the canter. She had bite marks all over her from getting picked on by other horses and her coat was VERY dull. But now she jumps 2″6 and cross rails with beginners and hauls around beginners for walk trot lessons, she took me to my C1 in ponyclub and I have NEVER just washed and pampered her for fun always just for shows. I believe she deserves this make over because of all of the hard work she put in to be nicely trained in three years.
I believe that Rainbow Slete, one of the schoolmasters from First Light Dressage, deserves a make over. Rainbow is a 24 year old 17.2 bay hanoverian, purchased by Molly and Stehpanie Slete 5 years ago from a women who used her trailer to mount him from her wheelchair and show him through 3rd level. Jonna Lorenz trained him to FEI level for Stephanie before she went to College. Rainbow had his first leg injury last spring, and after some rehab is now healthy enough to ride every day. He is now patiently teaching me the “upper level” stuff that I used to only dream of riding.
A makeover with EquiFuse would be a nice way to say thank you to him for being such a great teacher for all these years!
Thank you,
Kaya and Rainbow
Rainbow at 22:
well, I definitely have some dirty horses to deal with. my OTTB has to deal with all the young boys out in the pasture and of course gets filthy! He is handsome as can be, but sometimes it takes a little elbow grease to get him ready for a show (which we have coming up). My other option would be a gray thoroughbred, who, no matter how hard I clean – bath – scrub, I can not get her sparkling clean. She tends to end up almost as a palomino with a dirty mane and tail before I can get her to look respectful!
My OTTB Apollo deserves a makeover! He has a lovely, shiny coat, but he likes dirt baths, unfortunately! To make matters worse, I had to clip him a few weeks ago because he had his complete winter coat…in September, at 100 degree temps! Although he’s still shiny, he’s no longer gleaming like he was this summer – I’m sure an equiFUSE bath would be just what he needs to WOW in the show we’re attending at the end of the month 🙂
Carnival deserves a make-over because he’s quite the horse! He took his owner to 3′ hunter ribbons and is now showing with another Jr and consistently hitting the ribbons in the 3′ and teaching myself how to ride. He doesn’t put a foot wrong and has never given a bad ride. He needs some help for his Jr’s last show and a lovely gleam would be super!
Maximus deserves a make over because he enjoys playing in the dirt dispite my attempts to make him a proper showing horse. Especially after he had his tooth extracted last week he has been looking particularly under the weather and his coat needs some serious attention. Max is a 17.3 hand hano/tb cross who just loves attention whether that means being put to work jumping or doing dressage or gettin a bath.
Having this opportunity to bring him back to his full coat gleaming potential is just what he needs!
Dianneke deserves the makeover because it is her picture on the EquiFUSE Body Pack!:)
I have an OTTB gelding that would love a makeover, he came to me 250 pounds under weight with rain rot and sore hooves. He now has gained the weight back and no more sore hooves or rain rot so would love to look shinny and healthy again.
Thanks for the chance to win a great gift.