Picture this…You are awakened by a fresh breeze from the Versailles countryside, fragrant lilacs are in the air. The tuscan sun is beckoning you to wake up and start the day. This might be a dream to most of us, however, we don’t have to jet off to France to get a little taste of it right here in our own home. Toile (pronounced twal) fabric has been around ever since the 18th century when it was first produced in France. Since then, it has taken on many styles and shapes, including that of equestrian themed toile.
I thought I might put a little spin on this idea and focus this post strictly on home decor. After all, this is where we spend most of our waking hours (especially during our down time on the weekends), so what better way to bring this style into our home but by showcasing a few SIMPLE, yet decadent ways to incorporate the essence of France, without the hefty price tag of a plane ticket to and fro.
First off, I want to suggest a simple way to bring that “wow” factor into one of the most sacred places in our home: the bedroom. Whether it be equestrian fabric used in drapes, shower curtains, wallpaper, or a duvet cover, the possibilities truly are endless. Below are some sure fire examples to completely change the ambience of your bedroom into that of an equestrian lover’s dream.
Images taken from “My Grandmothers Lace.” Stay tuned for more spotlights on how to incorporate equestrian toile into other rooms in your house!
Where can the bedroom table lamp be purchased
Ann, the images in this post can all be found at http://www.mygrandmotherslace.com/Equestrian/index.htm. As for the bedside lamp, I will inquire about this and let you know. Thanks for your question!