I had the chance to watch the $50,000 Horseware Ireland Grand Prix this afternoon at the Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington, Florida. The weather was overcast and cool: a perfect day for a cable knit sweater (boy, I’m glad I brought it with me!) I’m still learning photography, so my photos aren’t quite as up-to-par as I would like, but bare with me. I still dream of showing and riding here again: from the ponies to the amateur hunters, I used to show here every weekend, and once we “grow up” it’s hard to get those memories out of our mind. As you can tell, I am determined to show here again soon…
above photo: Kent Farrington
above photo: Jessica Springsteen
At least riding is a sport we can start young, and keep doing it when we get older. Growing up in the Hunter ring, I never stepped foot in the Jumpers (mother always thought it was “too dangerous”). One day I hope to try it out– it just looks like too much fun not to! But yes, I am the girl always judging movement and form, so when it comes to watching jumpers, I find myself picking horses apart “hunter style”. What are your thoughts on Hunters Vs. Jumpers? Did you grow up riding hunters and then switch to jumpers? I have known a few riders that are born into the Jumper scene… without any Hunter background. I tend to think the riders coming from hunter riding backgrounds ride better in the jumper ring… Would love to hear your input!
I just found your site and love it, so nice! At the moment trying to read as many post as I can *lol*, before I need to change and head out to the stable.
I wish to one day have the pleasure to see a real huntershow as we don’t have them in Europe. All the best – L