We know everyone loves their smart phones, so equestrians will be excited to learn about this piece of tack. Introducing The Blue Wing, the first ever smart saddle allowing you to connect to your horse at a whole new level. The Blue Wing’s revolutionary smart tree and panel system is the first saddle technology considered for the neurological benefit of the horse.
With flexible tree points, the Blue Wing gives maximum freedom to the horse’s shoulders. Not to mention as the lightest Voltaire saddle ever made, this piece of tack is truly beneficial to your horse’s well being. The smart saddle technology allows you to measure and understand the performance of your horse, helping make your ride the best it can be.
You can use the mobile app on your phone to see the calendar of your sessions and information such as time spent at each gait, how many jumps taken, and the rhythm and symmetry of your horse.
You can even customize your ride with eco-friendly leather options, from brushed aluminum to alligator leather. With outstanding leather grip and stirrups leathers, this saddle provides as much stability as possible in the leg.
Hold onto your horses, The Blue Wing will be available in May 2016. To find out more visit VoltaireDesign.com. Get connected to your horse at a new level.
I would like to use an image of your Blue Wing saddle for a blog post I am writing on horse technologies.
Would that be alright and to whom should I credit the image?